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Monday, April 2, 2012


Just been to the dentist,

When I arrived, the last patient was leaving, she sort of sang goodbye, very much on a first name basis 'Ta Zane...'.  This was in stark contrast to my situation...  I hadn't been to the dentist for so long I honestly have no recollection of where or when it happened.  I think I went to Medicross.  It could have been over a decade ago.

So I found a new dentist, referred by my sister, Jules.

Not much has changed, but the arsenal of dentistry equipment has multiplied.  I expect dental-instrument fares are a highlight on a dentist's calendar.  There can't be many highlights on a dentist's calendar.

I swallowed a filling.  It was a little unnerving when I realised he'd dropped it, as he was placing it... I couldn't help myself, gag reflex and it was gone.  I like to get my money's worth.

I certainly made good on the anaesthetic... its been 4 and a half hours and face ith still numb.

Dentist, Zane Vosloo Contact tel: 043 735 2189. Nice guy.