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Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Life wasn't overwhelming enough, so Nic and I decided to break camp and head for higher ground, and lower rent this month.  We now live in Vincent.  No longer do I risk a runner-homicide on the trip home along Beach Road, the new route affords little opportunity to kill anything, although that doesn't mean everything in Vincent deserves to live.
Enter the mini-circle user.

Admittedly, mini-circles are the stupidist, least thought out traffic device ever cemented into the tarmac... which is saying a lot.  However, they do exist, and choosing to ignore their unique rules, doesn't do anyone any favours.  Least of all people living nearby who frequent the circle.  Me. I do. I live nearby.

Then there's the peacock.  Yes, we're in Vincent now.  Vincent, home of exotic wildlife.  Gone are the mundane Border Colleys, miscriant cats and greyish/brown doves of Nahoon.  Nic and I have each spent time trying to pin point the bird's location, thus far vexed by the echo in dip we're living in.  But when we do find it...