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Monday, August 1, 2011


I watched a skit by a comedian called George Carling once.  It was called Stuff.  I suspect it was a little on the foul side, but he made some good points.  Humans collect stuff.

Following a recent windfall... of stuff... from Dad's house. I went to Game to source some plastic chests to replace the haphazard box collection (aka cockroach funfair), in my garage.

While I was at the shops (Game), I noticed a lady pushing a trolley down the aisles.  She clearly wasn't an employee... but, she was wearing a bright pink top, pushing a bright pink trolley in Game.  I was "this close" (thats pretty close, Kietsphat) to asking her if she worked there.  It would have been epic.  Sensitivty caught me unfortunately.

I found the plastic containers (black).  The sticker on them said "Addis... Our black is green".  George made a great point in another skit... he said, "We worry we're killing the world with plastic... the world isn't going anywhere... We are!"