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Thursday, February 3, 2011

China Town

While a lunch break is an unfortunate partner for accomplishing chores, in a town like Slummies you can still accomplish a lot in your mid-day down time.  Yesterday I convinced Kyle to come adventuring with me to China Town.  The sign is in Chinese... it may or may not actually be called that.

A short trip across town, sandwich in hand, and we found ourselves in the expansive parking lot, in hindsight... it was an expansive but empty parking lot.

We made our way into the warehouse like shop, its really not a shop, and walked through isle after isle of bulk packed food.  Strangely, I had expected much 'Made in China' type knick knacky stuff... but all we found was 5 litre caterer grade mayonnaise and 12 packs of coffee.

Turns out, China Town is not the only store bordering that car park.  There's also a wholesaler.

Destination reset, we made our way toward the Mandarin homeland, only to be told that its Chinese New Year, and they'd be open again on Friday.  It was deserted, roller doors shut tighter than the North Korean border.

Directions; straight down Oxford Street, right into Park Avenue at St Georges Presbyterian.

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