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Friday, October 8, 2010


I was in the Spar yesterday, buying cheap chocolate biscuits. Priorities.  A classic white, western ritual was playing out at the end of the biscuits and coffee isle.  A couple-shop.

We've all seen it happening... you may even have done it at some point.  I can't help but think theres a lot to it, like it might be the sort of thing the sentimental half of your relationship looks forward too... while the other half is dying a slow, inefficient death.

There's the pusher, the one who's in a constant state of cringe - crossing off another to-do list item they won't be able to complete that day, everytime he swings the trolley into another isle.

The other half, the shopper... clutching a list - more on that shortly - wobbles, shifting their weight from one foot to the other, ignoring the silent complaints of her partner, as she compares prices of every product in the store, every product.

Which begs the question - whats with the list.  If you're going to look at every price, mumble about every product... why do you have a list?!

But its a good thing the shopper has backup, you need a spotter, preventing slow speed head ons infront of the peanut butter and jam display.

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