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Tuesday, August 10, 2010


In aid of Woman's Day we were informed that our house would be cooking for the girls up the road.  Last week I was MC, and had 45 minutes to sort the meal out.  This week I was again in the line of fire, only this time I had literally the whole day to prep.  Infact, apart from watching 'The Pink Panther 2'... a chicken potjie was all I had to show for my 11hrs of conciousness.

Step one, CP and I cleared the garden bed to make way for 'Awesome fire pit'.  Conversation went something like this.
Rog: I was going to clear this but I dont have a spade.
CP: Lets just pull it all out.

Rog: This one's vas, not going anywhere.  Don't even bother.
<CP removes plant in question from ground>
Rog: Awkward.

Following our conquest of the plants I go and ask tenant Greg if I can buy some of his wood.
Rog: Greg, howzit.  I was wondering if I could buy some of your wood.
Greg: Hectic man, uuuh, that woods actually from the Poison Tree.
CP:  Ill go get some from Spar.

Three bits of blitz later, a restoration of my pride and the fire was... on fire.
CP: So...... wonder what we could do while this burns down.

10 minutes later...

Rog: What the hell.

Potjie was a success, there is currently a lot of success left in the fridge.  I hope to dent it at lunch today.

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